Every fourth November, the citizens endure the outlandish circus called Presidential elections. You know the one where the people shuffle into little booths to cast a vote for their team, who will hopefully right the ship of political incompetence and corruption wrought by the previous ship's captain. You only get two choices too, vegetable A or vegetable B. That's democracy in action? The fact that the stench only increases after either is chosen the winner of this absurd political reality show should be of no consideration - for the people have proudly exercised their duty to choose one against another and that is all that matters. Tragically, the song remains the same.
Thankfully, many are now awaking to the fact that there are no discernable differences between any of the candidates...ever! That they appear to oppose each other is simply for the cameras to add a bit of drama for the amusement of the public who are trained to believe that a Democrat is somehow different than a Republican. Oh, they'll regurgitate stats, charts and news commentaries to somehow prove their team is superior to the other ad nauseum, but critical thinking goes out the window in these mindless political arguments. Before going further though, let's take a quick look at some highlights of our recent Presidents and their accomplishments on our behalf, shall we? (Note: the below info was culled from mainstream news sources, government and Congressional inquiries and investigations).
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Like a lamb being led to the... |
Ronald Reagan: A year into his Presidency, an assassination attempt was made on his life by John Hinckley, Jr., whose family were close friends and financial supporters of George HW Bush, Reagan's rival during their run for the Republican nomination in 1980. Strong evidence points to Bush being involved in the attempt on Reagan's life. Not to be outdone by his VP, Reagan got caught up in the Iran-Contra drugs for weapons money laundering scandal while suffering from severe Alzheimers. Bush was said to be calling the shots in place of the increasingly incoherent Reagan the last few years of his term.
ABC NEWS on the Bush-Hinckley family
connection explained away - "a touch of irony"
George HW Bush: Also a player in Iran-Contra, after the failed hit on Reagan, he had to patiently wait seven years to officially be crowned President. He was infamous for his efforts to bring about the New World Order, a globalist monarchy to rule the planet. And we thought Doctor Evil was being funny. Interestingly, his father Prescott helped finance Hitler's reign in Germany, then actively assisted in bringing many members of Hitler's notorious SS to the US after the war to start up the CIA, which George would later direct. The truth is always far stranger than fiction.
Bill Clinton: Governor of Arkansas during Iran-Contra, he was awarded the Presidency in 1992 for his part in laundering hundreds of millions of dollars of drug money through his state. It's no coincidence that this financially troubled state's fortunes instantaneously reversed course during the scandal and became large producers of military weapons hardware which was then smuggled into Nicaragua in trade for drugs the CIA trafficked onto the streets of America. Bill's brother, Roger, was the patsy and took the fall for the family business and went to prison for a short stint on a cocaine trafficking charge. When Bill became President, Roger was quickly pardoned and his conviction expunged. Good to have family looking out for you.
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Monica Lewinski was a smokescreen to distract from the real scandal - Clinton's drug-money laundering and murder. |
Hillary Clinton did her part by laundering drug money through her Rose Law Firm. The federal investigation into the Clintons' link to Iran-Contra and the Whitewater scandal was conveniently concluded because too many potential witnesses and criminal participants dropping dead prior to trial. No witnesses, no evidence, no case.
Perhaps Bill's most treasonous act though during his reign was allowing China to infiltrate the White House and assert their will regarding military and foreign policy. Even worse, Clinton approved the sale of nukes and US military secrets to his communist friends. We have since seen the disastrous results play out on our devastated economy as well which has China holding over $2.3 trillion in US debt notes our government can't pay back. And what happens when a borrower defaults and can't pay back the lender? That's right, it gets foreclosed upon...or attacked with all the high-tech military weaponry given to the lender as collateral. Ouch!
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Bush failed as an Air Force pilot, then later as the Prez |
George W. Bush: Prior to his selection as the 43rd President, he was known primarily for being a Bush family embarrassment, under-achieving drunk and cocaine addict. On the day of 9-11, when asked why he inexplicably continued reading a pet goat storybook to an elementary school classroom after he was informed the second World Trade Center building was struck by a drone aircraft, he stated "I didn't want to upset the children." If you recall, this President's approval ratings skyrocketed after this tragic event.
Instead of being impeached for gross dereliction of duty, he was branded "a hero," later a "war President," "a decider" and capped off this lunacy by attacking Iraq for weapons of mass destruction they never had, then proclaimed "mission accomplished" anyway. His drunken ways never ceased but sadly for us, no one seemed to notice. To add further irony, the terrorist patsy, Osama bin Laden's family were also close friends and business partners of the Bush's. Bush family ties to Bin Laden
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Change we can believe in? |
Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro: First President to be selected without proof of citizenship. Ran on the Madison Avenue created sales pitch, Hope & Change, which portrayed him as a God-like icon of global benevolence. Instead of eliminating the Patriot Act as promised, he added more oppressive amendments to it, while creating even more totalitarian legislations that effectively killed The Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Immediately upon seizing the White House, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing, then proceeded to go on a global and domestic killing spree, launching illegal invasions and murderous drone strikes that must have left his predecessors red with envy.
Obama ordered mob-style hits on Muammar Khadafi and Osama Bin Laden, then had the latter's body unceremoniously dumped into the ocean. To this day, there is no way to verify whether it was Bin Laden or not because of this "accidental" burial at sea. In Chicago mob parlance, that's called sleeping with the fishes. On a murderous roll, he also ordered drone strikes on US citizens, bypassing due process under the guise of swift justice for suspected US terrorists. Yet, his most lasting legacy will be as the first President to add more debt onto the country than all former presidents combined at $8 trillion and counting.
Today, given the choice between a Chicago mobster and a Wall Street banker, who do you choose to get behind? The answer is obvious for those with eyes to see the game for what it is. Neither is even remotely acceptable, much less someone to be idolized like a rockstar. Yet, it matters not that both are the same kind of toxic sludge re-packaged and trotted out in different shiny containers. It's just easier for most people to let others control them so support is thrown at someone who promises to make their lives better, even though they know deep down they are being lied to every time. This scheme gives the unempowered a sense of fatalistic hope, for they pray that this time things will be different, which is the very reason they get so easily hooked and enslaved into this Matrix of untruth.
The question though is why does this happen and how did we get to this sorry state? Well, let's start when we're first born. Everything that begins to define what we are starts there and begins the process of categorization which ultimately leads us to opposition later. We are socialized into choosing sides from an early age and loyally sticking with that choice no matter what.
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A celebration in mindless worship |
Sports is a great example of this frivolous loyalty. A child is encouraged to support the home team, say the Lakers, because, well, everyone else supports them in their sphere of influence and so should the child. So he does without really knowing why beyond that. It is also necessary to hate all other teams that are in opposition to the Lakers, otherwise this paradigm doesn't work. It's all or nothing all the time.
As the child grows older, the line between reality and delusion becomes blurred. The loyal fan now identifies himself with the Lakers by smugly saying to an opposing team's fan, "we won!, we beat your ass!" as if they were themselves on the team and somehow had an influence on the outcome of the game. The mindless fans are oblivious to the simple fact that they have no real relationship to this team, its players, its successes or failures. The point is to get the masses to support many things outside of themselves as a means of achieving personal fulfillment and a sense of belonging, while never looking within for that.
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Sad but true: foreign children pay the ultimate price for American imperialism and ignorance |
This type of thinking is encouraged throughout the educational system as well to shape the views of the student (victim) into fitting into pre-defined categorical boxes, from which they will choose to align with Group A and forever oppose Group B. They will self-identify by religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, political party, country, locality, school attended, profession, income bracket, age, zodiac sign, etc., into infinity.
By the time the student exits the educational programming system matrix, they will have been bagged, tagged and placed into so many different boxes that they will only be able to identify with what they are as opposed to who they really are, thus keeping the people distracted, confused and focused on that which is external to them at all times. This behavior manipulation has been a tremendously effective means for the few to divide and conquer the very many so successfully for thousands of years.
"By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd." - Civil Servents' Year Book, "The Organizer" January 1934
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The walls come tumbling down |
As stated above though, that control paradigm has cracked is and beginning to fall apart. Getting back to the current election nonsense, more people than ever are deciding to ignore this sham of false democracy in the two (corporate-controlled) party system by not participating in it.
The government propaganda machine constantly reminds us that if we don't vote, we can't complain when things go to shit on their watch because we didn't choose the other less worthless guy or gal who may or may not have mucked things up less for us. In truth, that's no choice at all and is akin to giving you the choice of firing squad or guillotine. Either way, the result is the same: you're dead!
It's important to understand that the present and hopelessly broken system in place now cannot be fixed by any new and improved President or leader as it is a merry-go-round operated by the very same entities that have run the political amusement park since the beginning. In order to see what's really been going around, we must change perspective by getting off this circular horsey ride and leaving the amusement park altogether.
When those at the bottom of the pyramid choose to no longer prop up the very few at the top and walk away, the pyramid collapses and the few lose all illusory power they previously hypnotized the many into believing they held.
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Step out from underneath the pyramid and it falls to rubble |
When this occurs, a new paradigm, not a new pyramid, is ushered in. The old pyramid system is one where the very many are enslaved by the very few through the illusion of upper vs. lower class opposition. The new paradigm is not class-based at all and is devoid of opposition. It does not require a hierarchy that divides those at the bottom from those at the top. Rather, it moves laterally instead of vertically and no one is crushed under foot. It is not however a socialist system, but a capitalist one.
I know you're probably thinking "capitalism is what got us in this mess in the first place and is all about rich vs. middle-class vs. poor!" Actually, it's not at all and you may be surprised to know that we have not lived in a capitalist system for a long time. What has been masquerading as capitalism is a very oppressive system of fascist corporatism, which enriches the very few to the detriment of the very many.
True capitalism supports ingenuity and creative problem solving that enriches the lives of the community to create a world that truly functions on a direct relationship between what a society values and wants as opposed to what they are allowed to have by mega-corps who control that flow solely for its benefit. You can plainly see how this has played out in the marketplace to this day.
Take automobiles for instance, electric and hydrogen-based technology to run them very cleanly, efficiently and cost-effectively have existed since Nikola Tesla invented them over a hundred years ago. Yet the corporate might of the oil and energy cartels destroyed him and have since crushed anyone who dared interfere with their stranglehold on inefficient fossil fuels. They have accomplished this through litigation, special interest lobbies that grease the palms of dirty politicians to pass restrictive legislation that cripples competing innovation or simply buying the companies outright with "offers they can't refuse" then shelving the technologies.
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Nikola Tesla created energy to power whole cities and automobiles for free. In a capitalist society he would be revered, but in a fascist one, he was destroyed |
In the new capitalist paradigm, those who innovate, create products and provide services that address the needs of society are justly rewarded. The more energy put out into the world by an individual or company, that same and necessary energy is returned in abundance. One's success or failure will be based solely upon their creative energy output and how it serves the needs of others who would exchange energy for it, whether through money or barter.
This is not to be confused with some idea of a utopian-socialist society where everyone prospers equally. If there are those who choose not to offer anything of creative or needed energy value to their community, there will not be any social welfare-state program safety net to support them. The whole point of true capitalism is to freely allow all to choose their life paths without restraint of governments to hold them back from going after their dreams. This may seem like a harsh reality to exist in when compared to the current system of trickle down economic welfare that is being received by about a half of all Americans, including banks and corporations.
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Welfare has always led to lack of motivation |
We are now witnessing the aftermath and destruction this has wrought on the country, especially in terms of lacking creative innovation and ingenuity. Why bother when money has been given away for free? (If you'd like more information on this particular topic of economics and money, it was addressed in my last two articles, so feel free to give them a read if you are so inclined.)
That said, in many of our personal lives and relationships, opposition appears to be coming at us constantly to the point we may feel like the recipients of an all guns blazing assault on our psyches. There is a good reason for this so don't think it's only you because it's not.
As we quickly speed towards this new calendar cycle of out with the old, in with the new, many people are feeling very off-balance by this shift in consciousness and are questioning the why of their very existence. A typical lament I'm hearing quite a bit is "I am not happy with my life or job or relationship. I know it's not what I want, but I don't know how to change it. It's so frustrating!" Yes, I know and I feel it too at times.
When the truth begins to emerge, the dense, heavy lies have to be brought to the surface first before it can be cleansed from our systems. This creates a temporary state of chaos as we begin to realize the world we believed to be real was really just an illusion, a sort of playground to stumble through, learn from and then finally master in order to assist us in moving forward when we're ready.
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Get off the blame game merry-go-round |
However, this is not an easy lesson to accept, especially in this United Nanny States of America where its citizens have been weaned on a philosophy of "when something goes wrong, blame somebody else because I ain't responsible for nuthin.'" Yes, taking full responsibility for oneself is an alien concept to most and that is the greatest obstacle which prevents the many from moving into the higher, lighter vibratory frequencies.
How this has been playing out is as we all collectively experience these uncomfortable shifts, those who are choosing to awaken (if you're reading this, that's you) are willing to take responsibility for themselves by working through the discomfort to elevate their form and consciousness so to speak. Conversely, those who choose not to will instead look for someone to blame for their discomfort and that may very well be you.
Think of it not as yet another burden or attack to defend oneself against and rather as a necessary litmus test to see whether we are indeed learning the lessons about letting go of opposition that seeks to reel us back into its clutches. Someone may rage against and blame you for some suffering they have endured in the past or present, but before responding in opposition to their crazy accusations, remember to step off the blame-game merry-go-round and see things from a non-emotional perspective first. You may find they were just looking for an easy scapegoat to dump their own failings onto because they don't know what else to do about it and taking responsibility for themselves is simply not on the menu.
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Time to ascend |
The best way to deal with this is simply not to engage it at all and I know this may not be easy at first. You see, they are looking for your opposition to keep the status quo of chaos intact. When you do not partake, they may rage a little while longer in an effort to lure you into their low level emotional attack, but soon their attack loses steam because you are not helping to fuel it. Exhausted, they finally give up or move onto another target.
Philosophically, this is like the rock in the middle of a raging river. It does not attempt to resist the onrushing waters, for that would cause the rock to be blasted helplessly downstream. Instead, it simply sits where it is and allows that tremendous force to flow around and by it with no intention of impeding its progress. You are that rock. Welcome to your evolution.
Nice post henry. I like your promotion of true capitalism versus predatory capitalism, along with the rock in the river analogy. Good stuff.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rich! Yes, true capitalism has always been confused with corporatism which is indeed predatory. This is why I no longer support or buy Apple products. They have become the poster child for suppressive, fascist rule. Thanks for taking the time to read and post!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the post. I like your progression from the big political playground/picture to something more personal. There's definitely a sense of confusion in the air and the analogy of the rock does provide a new perspective on these times. Thanks again =)